Contextual programs for building mutually enhancing relationships with people and planet
Emerging Ecology is teaming up with volunteers and community partners to roll out a network of Local Greens (formerly Enlivening Neighborhoods) across Guilford County. Think of it as a blueprint for tomorrow's living, today.
We've worked with Sunset Hills (District 4), showcasing their own unique blend of innovation and sustainability to move into the 21st Century. We will be picking four more neighborhoods from the remaining City Council districts, and a final group from outside the Greensboro City limits.

Tune In, Connect, and Grow!
Every third Sunday, grab your headphones and join a virtual gathering of curious minds and passionate hearts. Each session, we pick a podcast that's all about moving forward in harmony with our planet. From the nuts and bolts of energy efficiency to the big ideas shaping our green future, we cover it all.
Please, check back for the upcoming schedule of topics!

The Universe Story Walk takes participants along a half-mile path through the woods and other venues to learn the 14 billion year history of the universe.
The Universe Story Walk was dedicated by Thomas Berry in 1999 (photo above).
The walk is available as a pop-up event. Contact us if you want to feature it at your special occasion.
A preview to the walk will be available on this page in the near future. Stay tuned!