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Capacity Building

Building blocks for a better future

The Capacity Building Institute

The Capacity Building Institute – a collaborative effort by ICA India and Emerging Ecology – helps you gain the skills to spark eco-conscious living within organizations, neighborhoods, towns and villages. Whether you're fresh out of college, a young professional, or looking to make a meaningful impact in your retirement, this will help you realize your vision.

Our programs are designed to help usher out the old consumer mindset of "buy, use, and throw away." We're here to equip you with the know-how to build communities that thrive on a give-and-take basis with nature.

And when it comes to making things happen, we rely on the Technology of Participation (ToP)® methods. It's all about bringing people together to craft plans that work for everyone – plans that are as diverse and dynamic as the communities they serve. ToP® provides ways for people with diverse perspectives and skills to come together and produce workable plans that meet the needs of all.  It includes in-depth conversation methods, workshop procedures and strategic planning processes to handle various situations that arise in a group's journey.

The Capacity Building Institute Modules

Corporateness Enhancement

Individuals that decide to become facilitators of community empowerment require unique skills
and perspectives in order to respond to the challenges that lie ahead. The sessions in this module provide ways
to design individual time and allocate personal resources as well as interior disciplines that enhance teamwork
and cooperation.

In the 21st Century, teams of creative individuals provide greater contributions to their communities than any single-skilled individuals.
The sessions of this module -
through both theory and practice - demonstrate the potential of transformation through the presence and action of catalytic teams.

When communities are ready to work together toward a common future, one of the major blocks they face centers on the need to build inclusive and effective plans. The Technology of Participation (ToP)® provides a way for people with diverse perspectives and skills to come together and produce workable plans that meet the needs of all the constituents. 

This module provides the facilitation skills that community and organizational leaders need to tap into the group'’s wisdom in ways that build cohesion and motivation. The particular sessions include in-depth conversation methods, workshop procedures and strategic planning processes to handle various situations that arise in a group's journey.

Community Empowerment

Within every community, neighborhood and organization, some people tend to look to the future and envision options that benefit both the people and the environment in which they live. The elements of the Community Empowerment module provide the skills and contextual framework this core group of people need to sharpen their vision and beckon others to work with them.

This module focuses on comprehensive thinking. It 
provides both new ideas and fresh ways of thinking about time-tested innovations for dealing with both the social networks and ecological concerns of any geographical area.

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